Easily display your issues on your own website using Universal App’s (UA) embed feature.
There are 5 different options to accommodate a variety of publisher needs.
Simply select which option works best for you, embed the code on your website and your good to go. Check out the different options below
Your collection will be displayed in responsive HTML reading mode only.
PDF Only (Redirects Readers Upon Clicking)
Your collection will be displayed in PDF only and will open your Universal App in a new tab upon clicking.
PDF Only (No Redirect to UA)
Your collection will be displayed in PDF only but it will not open your Universal App in a new tab when a reader click on it.
HTML & PDF (Default HTML)
Your collection will be displayed in responsive HTML by default, and your readers can switch between HTML and PDF by clicking the PDF image
HTML & PDF (Default PDF)
Your collection will be displayed in PDF by default, and your readers will be able to switch between responsive HTML format and PDF by simply clicking the text in the article.