What’s New in MagLoft’s Universal App?
- Safely edit your PDF to HTML Conversion results in Typeloft Editor.
- Restrict your readers from updating their own email address
- Link to external subscription management from readers account page
- Automatically populate SEO fields for converted issues
- Bugs fixes for Live Preview mode
- New default size for your issues cover

Hi there,
Since 2014, MagLoft has assisted more than 500 publishers, and our Universal App is a remarkable and innovative product that has been created and improved based on feedback and recommendations from these publishers.
If you have any suggestions, you can submit them on our feature request board, and we highly value and consider every suggestion. We are committed to continuously enhancing the Universal App, and we have incorporated new features and improvements in February in response to your feedback. We hear you, and we are dedicated to implementing your suggestions.
Edit your PDF to HTML Conversion Results
With the latest update in TypeLoft interface, you now have the ability to modify and fine-tune both the PDF and HTML versions of your converted content. This includes the ability to add or remove pages in both formats, update links between articles and PDF sections, and even add, remove, adjust, or duplicate clickable areas within your PDF.
Learn more:
- How to add, remove, swap, and reorder your PDF pages
- How to update clickable area and PDF to HTML article mapping
Following the recent updates of Typeloft…
For MagLoft Classic customers, if you can’t see the edit button for your article, please do a hard refresh (Shift + Command R on Mac; or CTRL + Shift + R for Windows) on classic portal.
By doing this, you will be able to see both “View” and “Edit” buttons on the Article pge. Learn more about hard refresh here
Restrict your readers from updating their email addresses
With the current release of Universal App, you have the power to decide if they can change their email addresses. This feature is especially handy when using tools like Zapier that rely on email addresses to sync data. By keeping the email addresses consistent, you can ensure that all the information stays accurate and up-to-date.
Link to external subscription management from readers account page
We’re thrilled to announce that you now have the option to add a personalized message along with an external link on your readers’ account page. This feature is especially handy if you need to direct readers to an external subscription management page. It’s important to note that this feature is only available for readers who sign up for subscriptions through your website or a third-party platform.
Automatically populate SEO fields for converted issues
Once you convert your issue, Universal App will automatically populate the title, article excerpt and meta description based on the first paragraph of your article. This is a quick and automated way to complete your SEO fields, but we still encourage you to review this for articles you want to rank for.
Improvement to the Universal App’s Live Preview mode
We got you!
Up until now, Live Preview was limited to the unlock type of Free. But now, thanks to the preview improvement, you have the ability to preview all types of content regardless of the unlock type, whether it’s paid, subscription-based, or optional
New default size for your issues cover
By default, the Collection or Issue Cover in the Universal App has a 3:4 image ratio. However, if you have a different image ratio for your cover, no worries! You can easily change the default settings to match it. Now, you can set it to A4 or US Letter paper size. Please note that this selection will affect the ratio of any cover images in your Universal App, such as collection sliders, collections list, etc.
If you’re using another image sizethat doesn’t fit any of the available image ratios, please let us know at support@magloft.com.
That’s it for now! You can see all the other implemented and upcoming features for the Universal App on our Updates Page
The MagLoft Team